Thursday, March 5, 2009

Time Out!!

WOW...I have had a day, a BIG day for a Momma!!!

First off I had to shop for my little baby boy in the BOY section today!!! He no longer fits into toddler clothes. I think he has grown 4 inches in just a month. Seriously it was like over night his little PJ's became high waters.

Then my little angel daughter comes home from school and hands me paper work for pre-registration for JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL!!!!! Oh my gosh friends, I almost lost my breath at the thought, just the thought of filling out that paperwork.

I just need a time out. I need a few minutes, hours, days to soak all of this in and come to the realization that my baby boy is not a baby anymore and my little girl is no longer little!!!! Oh and last but not least....I am real close to being 34 which of course means, I am middle aged!!!

Thank God I still have places like Myspace and Facebook to make me feel young again!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Texting Crazy Kids

My 6th grade daughter brought home a note from school today and I seriously had to shake my head after I read it.

The note was regarding the issue that the school is having with the 6th grade and YOUNGER kids texting during class!!!!!! They are sending out a permission slip asking to take the kids phones in the morning and then the kids can have them back after school.

It took me back to when I was in the 6th grade. We got in trouble for passing notes and doodling on our Trapper Keepers!!! I think it is really to bad that our kids education is now in competition with cell phones!!!

My daughter doesn't have a cell phone, so the note didn't apply to us, thankfully. She does have some friends her age with cell phones though and there is nothing wrong with it, if they need to keep in touch with their parents. My question is do the kids really need them in the classroom? I would be willing to bet that a few parents will have big issues with the kids having to give up their phones. Just makes sense to me, MY OPINION ONLY!!!!

Kudos to the school for taking a stand on texting!!! Now they just need to work on the bully issue!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I just have to vent for a minute!!!

Twice this week I have heard stories of my friend's kids getting bullied and man it makes me so dang mad!!! Today I actually witnessed one of the incidents myself. A junior high student picking on an elementary student on the walk home from school. This boy was so disrespectful that he didn't even hesitate to yell his foul words of hate with an adult outside!!! I have to wonder if he had ever been taught any manners what so ever!!!?? Needless to say I was on the phone with the boys Mom(not the mean one)and she will be up at the school tomorrow morning trying to find names.

I know kids can be mean and it is to be expected but I guess my issue is as adults, why are we helpless to make a difference? You go to the schools and they tell you that "they can't do much about it unless it gets physically violent" and that has to be at the school. You consider going to the parents but unfortunately some parents think of it as a joke or get defensive at the thought that their kids might be a bully "how dare you imply...."!!!

It's a no win situation and the only people who really lose in the end are our children. I was bullied as a child, I was in the 4th grade and my bullies were in the 6th grade and you know that still bothers me today!!! It has been 23 years but I will never forget it, it changed who I was and broke my spirit. I hated school that whole year and didn't tell a single person, not even my Mom. You should know that most of the time your kids wont tell you.
I am not claiming to be all knowing but I do have a little first hand knowledge and of course this is just MY opinion on my blog!!!

If your a bully, you ARE hurting people and changing who they are, knock it off!!! If you are a parent of a bully, find out what is going on inside of them because "hurting people, hurt people". It is not some happy go lucky kid out there hurting other kids, it's kids with issues!!!! Last but not least, if your a parent of a bullied child, just like I was.....get involved!!!
Your kids are going to tell you that "it's no big deal", "I don't care" but you have to know that they do care and it hurts!!! Being bullied at school or from school mates in person or on the computer is serious and it will change your child and not for the better!!! If you look, there are always some kind of signs even when they have said nothing at all. Be there for them, it's our job!!!

Ok, getting off my box but seriously out for bullies and victims of bullies, get involved and let other parents know when you witness it, our kids are depending on us and even when they think they don't, they need us, all of us!!!

"It's takes a village to raise a child"!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009


Sometimes one of the hardest parts of being a Mommy is trying to figure out just what in the heck your kid wants, you know before they start school...when they still mis-pronounce almost everything....haha.
I just had one of those moments with Tyler.

Mommy's of all ages.....I am sure you will relate......enjoy!!!

Tyler~"Mommy, can I have a crapper?"


Tyler~"can I have a crapper?"


Getting Louder


Me~"you mean a cracker"......LMAO!!!!!????

Wishing all of you a happy and sweet Valentine's day!!! I hope the day brings you many sweet memories!!! With all of the sadness and scary stories in the world this week I know I will be hugging and loving on my precious ones a little bit more tomorrow!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

How does he do it??

Just another Tyler-ism to share!!! The living room looked as though a whirl wind of monkey's had come in and had a wild party and so I thought a "family clean up" was in order. Keep in mind that I have asked Tyler all day to clean up his mess which he had blamed on everyone other than himself all day long!!!

Me~"Ok, it's family clean up time"

Tyler~"I can't help, I am eating chips"

Me~(cleaning as I speak)"oh yes you can, get over here and help"

Billy~(cleaning too)"clean up Bubba"

........10 minutes later and I have no idea what Tyler was doing........

Tyler~"hey, you guys are almost done!!"

Me~"yea, and what are you doing?"

Now this is the funny part because he answered that question as if I was seriously asking him what he was doing......

Tyler~"nothing, I am just watching"

Billy~"he is supervising again Mom"

Once again Tyler got us to clean up the whole living room with him barely lifting a pinky, or thumb!!!!!!! I don't think he even disturbed the cheese on his fingers from his chips....haha

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I don't like you!!

Just a cute little story about my 4 year old son, who I adore!!!

Tyler and I had a little dispute today and so he decided to write me a letter. Of course I couldn't read the letter so he read it to me!!!

Ty~"Here Mommy, I made you a letter!"

Mom~"Ok, what does it say sweetie?"

Ty~"it says, Mommy I love you and I am sorry I kicked you"

Mom~"oooh, that is so nice, I love you too Bubba!!"

Ty~"up here it says, I don't like you cause you spanked me"

Ty~ "I love you and I don't like you too"

Mom~"Mommy loves you, thank you"

Don't you just love little honest children who talk straight from their innocent little hearts!!!! Wish I could be that honest sometimes...haha

"The walks and talks we have with our two-year-olds in red boots have a great deal to do with the values they will cherish as adults."

"You don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent"

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Let it go

By T. D. Jakes
There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone. When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left. The Bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19] People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay. Let them go. And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead. You've got to know when it's dead. You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay. Let them go!! If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to ..... LET IT GO!!! If you are holding on to past hurts and pains ..... LET IT GO!!! If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth.....LET IT GO!!! If someone has angered you ......... LET IT GO!!! If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge...... LET IT GO!!! If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction...... LET IT GO!!! If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents ..... LET IT GO!!! If you have a bad attitude....... LET IT GO!!! If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better...... LET IT GO!!! If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him...... LET IT GO!!! If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship....... LET IT GO!!! If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves...... LET IT GO!!! If you're feeling depressed and stressed ....... LET IT GO!!! If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of it," then you need to...... LET IT GO!!! Let the past be the past. Forget the former things. GOD is doing a new thing for you! LET IT GO!!! Get Right or Get Left .. think about it, and then .... LET IT GO!!!

"The Battle is the Lord's!"

Friday, January 23, 2009

Crying over spilled milk!!

I came home from work today and as soon as I walked into the house I could smell a faint stench. I wasn't sure when/how/why or who but I made the comment to Billy that "something just didn't smell right". Of course he hadn't noticed, he is a man after all.
A few hours later I could still smell it and assumed it must be something in the trash. Nope, not that. I lit a candle in hopes that it would fade. Nope, it didn't. After I lit the candle it just became berry flavored stench.
I finally started smelling around the bathroom. I was thinking that maybe it was the toilet or the drain in the tub or the sink. Perhaps someone had gone potty around the toilet again rather than inside the toilet!!!
It was driving me nuts and making me sick at the same time. It was then that my mind started drifting back to a few days ago.....Tyler had spilled his milk all over the kitchen table and of course I cleaned it up with a kitchen towel. Well after I rinsed the towel I laid it over the bathtub to dry and forgot all about it.
Apparently in the few days following it made it's wet self way into the bottom of the laundry hamper!!!!!!!!
OMG.........have you ever smelled the stench of a drying milk soaked kitchen towel that has sat under numerous wet towels, undies and socks for 2 days???????
DON'T EVER DO IT FOLKS....TRUST ME!!! I wont be eating for days or even looking twice at a glass of milk, YUCK-O!!!!!!!

Love and Hate(girls of all ages)

As I was taking pictures of my daughter and her 3 wonderful best friends I was wondering to myself if they would still be friends in 3 years, 2 years or even next month. It took me back to when I was 12 years old. I also had several best friends. In fact there was a whole group of us that hung out together on the playground at recess. I bet some of you oldies from elementary school still have pictures of all of us....haha!!!Of course the sad fact is that as the years went by, the friends who we considered "best" in 6th grade were pretty close to enemies by 8th grade.Heck, my best friend and I (from 4th-7th grade) hated each other from 8th grade until the time I left Jerome. We finally hooked back up again 2 years ago and made our peace but for those few years in high school we did NOT see eye to eye!!! It was like all of the years we shared with Cabbage Patch Kids and sickly eraser friends in a make believe hospital didn't even exist.It's weird how we go through stages with friends during our whole lives(girls and ladies). One year your best friends and then you have a fight and don't talk for 10 years. To this day, I only have 2 friends that I considered "best" in school that I am still friends with today and that is not without ups and downs and a year or two spent apart. I know 'they' say that some friends come in and out of our lives for different reasons and or seasons and that is perfectly normal but sometimes I think it is because we get caught up in all the bull poo and nothing can ruin a friendship faster.We forget how precious our friends are and the back biting begins, the spreading and listening to gossip, jealousy, resentment, the having sore feelings but not mentioning it in time and of course the snide comments and the judgments take over. Before you know it the friendship is over and everyone is talking about everyone else like they were never friends at all. Hurt feelings for everyone!!!!!It's sad isn't it? It's sad when you look back at a friendship and can clearly see(after the fact)what ended it, what made it go sour. Most of the time it's something silly or a mis-communication, a little ant hill made into a great big mountain that neither one was willing to climb over.As my daughter and her best friends laugh and giggle today, I have one wish for them. I wish for all of them many more years together. The strength and courage to look beyond their pride and not get caught up in the "she said, she said", but mostly that they all have big enough hearts to always treat each other with love, respect and maintain honesty when it is the hardest thing to do.Heck, I wish that for all of us too!!!To all my friends from 1985 through today I wish for us honesty, strength, courage, a little less pride and a little more love!!!!!!!!!! Be honest when your hurt and apologize when you should before it's to late!!!!!! Love for everyone!!!!