Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I just have to vent for a minute!!!

Twice this week I have heard stories of my friend's kids getting bullied and man it makes me so dang mad!!! Today I actually witnessed one of the incidents myself. A junior high student picking on an elementary student on the walk home from school. This boy was so disrespectful that he didn't even hesitate to yell his foul words of hate with an adult outside!!! I have to wonder if he had ever been taught any manners what so ever!!!?? Needless to say I was on the phone with the boys Mom(not the mean one)and she will be up at the school tomorrow morning trying to find names.

I know kids can be mean and it is to be expected but I guess my issue is as adults, why are we helpless to make a difference? You go to the schools and they tell you that "they can't do much about it unless it gets physically violent" and that has to be at the school. You consider going to the parents but unfortunately some parents think of it as a joke or get defensive at the thought that their kids might be a bully "how dare you imply...."!!!

It's a no win situation and the only people who really lose in the end are our children. I was bullied as a child, I was in the 4th grade and my bullies were in the 6th grade and you know that still bothers me today!!! It has been 23 years but I will never forget it, it changed who I was and broke my spirit. I hated school that whole year and didn't tell a single person, not even my Mom. You should know that most of the time your kids wont tell you.
I am not claiming to be all knowing but I do have a little first hand knowledge and of course this is just MY opinion on my blog!!!

If your a bully, you ARE hurting people and changing who they are, knock it off!!! If you are a parent of a bully, find out what is going on inside of them because "hurting people, hurt people". It is not some happy go lucky kid out there hurting other kids, it's kids with issues!!!! Last but not least, if your a parent of a bullied child, just like I was.....get involved!!!
Your kids are going to tell you that "it's no big deal", "I don't care" but you have to know that they do care and it hurts!!! Being bullied at school or from school mates in person or on the computer is serious and it will change your child and not for the better!!! If you look, there are always some kind of signs even when they have said nothing at all. Be there for them, it's our job!!!

Ok, getting off my box but seriously out for bullies and victims of bullies, get involved and let other parents know when you witness it, our kids are depending on us and even when they think they don't, they need us, all of us!!!

"It's takes a village to raise a child"!!!

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