Thursday, March 5, 2009

Time Out!!

WOW...I have had a day, a BIG day for a Momma!!!

First off I had to shop for my little baby boy in the BOY section today!!! He no longer fits into toddler clothes. I think he has grown 4 inches in just a month. Seriously it was like over night his little PJ's became high waters.

Then my little angel daughter comes home from school and hands me paper work for pre-registration for JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL!!!!! Oh my gosh friends, I almost lost my breath at the thought, just the thought of filling out that paperwork.

I just need a time out. I need a few minutes, hours, days to soak all of this in and come to the realization that my baby boy is not a baby anymore and my little girl is no longer little!!!! Oh and last but not least....I am real close to being 34 which of course means, I am middle aged!!!

Thank God I still have places like Myspace and Facebook to make me feel young again!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! I have a funny comment that a guy at school told me (keep in mind he's 21) I was telling him that my birthday was coming up and how 30 was the new 20 and he says "that's what people in their 30's say." I had to have someone hold me back.

    Nobody wants to get older...I don't know what else to say other than at least you have your family & your health!
