Friday, February 6, 2009

How does he do it??

Just another Tyler-ism to share!!! The living room looked as though a whirl wind of monkey's had come in and had a wild party and so I thought a "family clean up" was in order. Keep in mind that I have asked Tyler all day to clean up his mess which he had blamed on everyone other than himself all day long!!!

Me~"Ok, it's family clean up time"

Tyler~"I can't help, I am eating chips"

Me~(cleaning as I speak)"oh yes you can, get over here and help"

Billy~(cleaning too)"clean up Bubba"

........10 minutes later and I have no idea what Tyler was doing........

Tyler~"hey, you guys are almost done!!"

Me~"yea, and what are you doing?"

Now this is the funny part because he answered that question as if I was seriously asking him what he was doing......

Tyler~"nothing, I am just watching"

Billy~"he is supervising again Mom"

Once again Tyler got us to clean up the whole living room with him barely lifting a pinky, or thumb!!!!!!! I don't think he even disturbed the cheese on his fingers from his chips....haha

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