Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Don't touch my cheese!

Just had to share this conversation I had with my 5 year old son tonight. It makes me smile and a little concerned at the same time.

Me-do you want a slice of cheese?


Tyler-are your hands clean?


Tyler-could you look and make sure?

Me-(looking)yes they are babe(handing him cheese)

Tyler-ok, you didn't touch it did you?

Me-no babe(of course I did). Do you want to share some pop with me?

Tyler-SURE! I want the can!

Tyler-I want the can so that you don't have to put your lips on it, you can have the cup

Me-ok son, I wont touch it

Tyler-I want to be a fireman when I grow up! No, I want to play football!

Tyler-Mom, I am special

Me-Yes son, you really are!

Anyone want to bet that he will be on a shrinks couch in about 35 years suffering from severe OCD? I have no idea why he is becoming this way....seriously. I mean we are clean people but not crazy clean. He doesn't like his food to touch and don't you dare think about giving him anything on YOUR dirty fork!!

Bless his little heart:)

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